Juicing vs Blending
Juicing and blending share many similarities, but there are also a couple of key differences that will help decide between the two. The difference between juicing and blending comes down to what a person will be using the drink for, and what is included or left out of the end product. Benefits of juicing […]
Juicing Wheatgrass: Benefits and Risks
Juicing wheatgrass is a bit more complex than juicing other fruits and vegetables. The ideal way to juice wheatgrass is by using a masticating juicer, as this helps extract the most nutrients. The benefits of juicing wheatgrass come from its high level of chlorophyll, along with other vitamins and minerals. It is also crucial that […]
Fiber and Juicing; The Role of Fiber and Common Misconceptions
The role between juicing and fiber has been a hot topic as of late, as some misunderstand the role juicing plays in the diet and how fiber affects the body. Juicing removes some types of fibers from the fruits and vegetables, while others remain. With this said, there are some times when juicing may not […]
Benefits of Juicing Herbs and Spices
While most people think of juicing fruits and vegetables, juicing various herbs and spices can really open a new world of both flavor and nutrients in juicing. A number of herbs and hard spices have key compounds in them that a masticating juicer can help break down and extract into healthy juice. Top herbs […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Kale
Kale is a cruciferous vegetable in the same family as broccoli and brussel sprouts, though most tend to think of it more as a dark leafy green. Kale is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients, making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods around. Juicing kale may be a good way to deliver many […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Ginger
Ginger is a well-known root herb with many uses, used in traditional medicinal practices for thousands of years. The impressive antioxidant profile in ginger makes it a favorite ingredient in juices as well. Many of the benefits of juicing ginger come from the wealth of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in the root, which may also […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Cucumber
Cucumber is a fresh food often associated with summer salads and ice water by the pool. These associations have their scientific backing as well, as cucumber does appear to refresh the body and mind. The benefits of juicing cucumber centers on getting these refreshing compounds and water into the body as quickly as possible. […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Beets
Beets are a familiar colorful earthy root vegetable, common in foods from to stews and salads. Beet juice is on the rise in popularity – and not just because of this vibrant color. Beet juice may have a range of benefits for the body. The benefits of juicing beets come from the wealth of vitamins, […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Celery
Celery is a common ingredient in many green juices – and with good reason. Celery juice is packed with vitamins such as folate, vitamin C, and potassium. It also contains potent antioxidants called flavonoids. Compounds in celery may help with inflammation and the numerous conditions that stem from inflammation. Celery juice itself is rich in […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Carrot
Carrot juice is a delicious, earthy drink, enjoyed on its own or mixed with other juices. The benefits of carrot juice come mainly from potent antioxidants such as vitamin A and Vitamin C. You should drink carrot juice in moderation, as there are still plenty of calories and sugars in the juice. As part of […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Spinach
Like other dark leafy greens, spinach is packed with a number of nutrients and powerful antioxidants. Juicing spinach is a simple way to get a number of these helpful nutrients into the body quickly. There are a number of benefits to juicing spinach and eating the compounds within the plants. Benefits of juicing spinach […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Celery
Celery is a common ingredient in many green juices – and with good reason. Celery juice is packed with vitamins such as folate, vitamin C, and potassium. It also contains potent antioxidants called flavonoids. Compounds in celery may help with inflammation and the numerous conditions that stem from inflammation. Celery juice itself is rich […]
Benefits (and Risks) of Juicing Kale
Benefits of Juicing Kale Kale is a cruciferous vegetable in the same family as broccoli and brussel sprouts, though most tend to think of it more as a dark leafy green. Kale is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients, making it one of the most nutrient-dense foods around. Juicing kale may be a good […]
Juice Your Way To Better Skin
Juice Your Way To Better Skin If you’re after a brighter and flawless complexion, your best bet may be to put down the expensive creams and serums, and look to juicing instead. Incorporating the right nutrition and vitamins into your diet has been found to be the most important factor at play with skin health and anti […]
Making Safe and Healthy Baby Food for Your Infant
Making Safe and Healthy Baby Food for Your Infant The amount of money that American families spend on store bought baby food has decreased by almost half since 2009, suggesting that parents are relying more heavily on homemade baby foods. This is unsurprising, considering the current backlash against processed foods and being able to control […]
Fiber in Leafy Greens
Is There Fiber In Leafy Green Juice? Questions Answered! We talk about vitamins and minerals all the time when going into the details about leafy green nutrition, but what about some of those unsung heroes that aren’t talked about quite so much? What about fiber? Why Do We Need Fiber? We’re all pretty familiar […]
Health Benefits of Swiss Chard
Our look at the many delicious leafy greens continues with Swiss chard, famous for it’s lovely red and yellow stalks. It’s getting quite popular these days as a versatile vegetable for cooking and it has a great reputation as a green for juicing. You can usually find chard in the supermarket along with the other […]
Tips on Doing a SUCCESSFUL Juice Detox
Just so we’re all on the same page here, what is a juice detox? It’s a regimen to help flush toxins from the body by fasting from solid food and getting your nutrients from juices only. The exact specifics aren’t set in concrete, and some people prefer not to fully fast but simply boost up […]
Wheatgrass Compared to Other Leafy Greens
We do talk about wheatgrass a lot, and if you’re not familiar with it, you might be wondering where it fits among the more “typical” leafy greens that get used in juices. How does wheatgrass stack up when compared to spinach, or kale for example? The Taste Let’s start with an easy comparison: the flavor […]
Healthy Benefits of Watercress
Watercress has been in the press lately as one of the latest “superfoods” to come to the public’s attention. It tends to make people think of dainty tea sandwiches if you even recognize it at all, so you might need a primer on the great nutrition of this lesser-known green. What is Watercress? Since this […]
Healthy Benefits of Collard Greens
We’ve already talked about the more common leafy greens, like spinach and kale, but there are many other options when you’re looking to change up your green juice routine. What about collard greens? They might make you think of black-eyed peas or ham hocks, since they are a popular veggie side dish down South. Now […]
Antioxidants in Leafy Greens
Leafy greens of all kinds are loaded with vitamins and minerals, but that’s not all they have to offer. Antioxidants are the latest nutritional buzzword, and its one that you should be paying attention to. What are Antioxidants? Before we go any further, you should be clear on what antioxidants are in the first place. […]
Healthy Benefits of Kale Juice
Kale is one of the newer superfood leafy greens we’re all starting to love, and it can be a big part of your green juicing plans too. Though you might not think about juicing when you look at the tough leaves and heavy stems of kale, but it does make a fantastic green juice […]
Wheatgrass Juice for Detoxing
The idea of detoxing is very popular right now, as we learn more about how toxins and environmental pollutants can (and do) accumulate in our bodies. Every once in a while, it’s good to “detox” and clean ourselves up. There are various approaches to a good detox, and we’ll focus on the idea of a […]
Healthy Benefits of Spinach
Sure, we all know that wheatgrass juice is an impressive powerhouse of nutrients but many other leafy greens are worth adding to your juice blends too. Right now, let’s take a look at what you’ll get with a little added spinach. Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and minerals are always the first things to talk about […]
Healthy Components of Wheatgrass
Now we can get to the juicy details of why wheatgrass is so wonderful for you. The healthy components of wheatgrass juice are almost too numerous to list, there is so much nutrition going on. Here is a run-down of what you’re body is getting with wheatgrass juice. Vitamins First, let’s talk about vitamins. Wheatgrass […]
Benefits of a Cold-Pressed Juicer
If you’re thinking about getting a juicer for your kitchen, make sure to take a little time to do some research. There are a few different styles on the market these days and they don’t all operate the same way. The two main kinds are centrifugal juicers and cold-press juicers. For the moment, let’s focus […]
What is Wheatgrass?
It can come as a surprise to people that wheatgrass is actually wheat. People tend to think it’s some sort of close relation, but the truth is that wheatgrass is the name for young wheat sprouts. Yes, it’s really that simple. Wheat seeds are sprouted and allowed to grow for around a week to 10 […]
Wheatgrass Facts – An In Depth Report
Wheat Grass: One of Nature’s Finest Creations Wheat grass is a wild, wheat-like grass that has, for many centuries, been a nutritionally dense supplement used by humans and animals alike. Many different civilizations have been known to use wheat grass – both the blades themselves, as well as the roots – for medicinal purposes. Many […]
The 10 Best Kept Secrets About Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass Juice!! Body Cleanser: Wheatgrass juice is a powerful cleanser and may start an immediate reaction with toxins and mucus in the stomach and thus may cause nausea. Chlorophyll will bring toxins stored away in the cells or in the fatty tissue into the bloodstream. Drink two ounces on an empty stomach. Body Builder: […]
Health Benefits of Juicing
Health Benefits of Juicing Recently, the National Cancer Institute began a campaign to get people to do one simple thing – EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Specifically, the recommendation was to eat five servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables a day, and their reasoning was simple: a diet high in fruits and vegetables […]